Hello Tom,

> I would like to set up a filter to copy all incoming emails arriving
> in a specific account to a new folder or ideally virtual folder
> provided the sender's email is already in the original folder (ie.
> use the filter to notify me that an incoming email is from a known
> source as opposed to be a brand-new sender). Is this possible?

Yes, it is possible in several ways.

Perhaps the easiest and most straight forward way would be that you add
your 'known sources' to the address book. Then, you can make Active the
<Known> Incoming filter that is included by default by TB in the Sorting
Office when an account is created. This way, messages from 'known
sources' will be moved to Inbox-Known folder and the rest will just stay
in normal Inbox.

If you want to keep messages from 'known sources' in a separate folder
for each, you can modify the action in <Known> filter and use the
%FromName or %ABFromName macros for the folder name instead of

> Also, when I fiddled with the folders, I set up a virtual folder
> linked to the original folder. This now shows all the emails from the
> original as I had not yet set up any filter. How can I get rid of it
> now. I am afraid deleting it will delete all original emails too,
> something I don't want to do?

NO problem. If you delete a Virtual Folder the messages that were
_shown_ (not stored) in it will stay in whatever real folder they were
actually in.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.99.3

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