On 10/09/2012 07:50 AM, Mark Haney wrote:

That was originally the way I had it.  I was doing essentially what I
had done with the previous SQL statement, going to each row and pushing
it into an array. For some reason, it doesn't work the same way.

Well, after a weekend spent with my grandson, I started back on this yesterday and I have more to report here. I ended up having to add a second field to the 'shifts' array, which makes it identical to the 'factories' array. So, you would think problem solved, right? No.

It turns out that I'm having the same problem. So, it occurred to me that maybe the issue isn't that part, but maybe it's in the code that passes the data to the template:

    my $file = 'templates/shift_rpt.html';
    my $vars = {
        #'cgi' =>CGI->new(),
'factories' => \@rows_factory, # This moves the data from the array into a var that gets carried into the template 'shifts' => \@rows_shifts # This moves the custom shifts names into the dropdown box for the reports

So, I tore everything out related to the 'factories' and just tried to pass the 'shifts' data to the template. And NOTHING gets passed other than the name of the script name (shift_rpt.pl). Which is precisely what was going on before.

Any ideas?

At this stage, I'm going to have to scrap TT and build this all in perl if I can't find an answer to this problem.


Mark Haney
Software Developer/Consultant
AB Emblem
Linux marius.homelinux.org 3.5.1-1.fc17.x86_64 GNU/Linux

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