As to simplify user interface, we did some developments in the trunk version of 
Open ERP (futur stable) to:

* simplify menus and reduce to one menu item per object, being able to switch 
from one domain to another (My department's tasks, My Tasks, ...) from the same 
* ability to define'search' views with better search criteria that implements 
business logic, for example buttons like:
  - My Tasks in Progress which means: My Tasks, State in ('draft' or 'open')
  - My Departement's Day-3 Deadlines: Tasks belonging to a user of my 
department having a deadline within the next 3 days
* A faster way to filter (you can just click on one button whereas, before, you 
had to write your name in the "Assigned To" field and click Filter, just to get 
your own tasks).
* an easy way to build complex search/filters
* an easy way to save searches as filter or shortcuts
* removed the limit/offset stuff and implement pagination like in the web client
* ability to have search

You can check the screencast here:

Note that it's still a work in progress: we still have to design beautiful 
icons, integrate this in web client, etc. This is planned for next stable 
release. It's API compatible with current modules, so no need to adapt anything.

What do you think about these new improvements ? We are looking for similar 
ideas, I suggest to discuss ideas on this thread.

-------------------- m2f --------------------


-------------------- m2f --------------------

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