> I'm sure you could end up with a more consistent way of displaying related
 >records. I should say I like the right side links but may be their should
 >be better way to organize their display. Also may be that as soon as 
you show
 >related records in a tab, may be those should also be available from 
the right
 >links or may be removed from the from view. I don't really know what 
is the
 >best solution but I think that more consistence here would automate users
 >learning and make him feel he is confonted to a very logical (and robust)
 > system instead of having doubts why things are this way.

May be we could add the number of available records between right side 
links. Like: Sales Orders (32), Purchase Orders (16), ...

Or display more relevant data on relate fields like:
   Sales Orders
     32 items
   Purchase Orders
     15 items
     10.000 k€

That would be usefull, but I am afraid it may slow down the system.

> Finally may be that adding a color theme or even palette or icons themes for
 >every objects and group of objects could help the user know better 
where he is
 >and what he is doing. Thus, a link to an invoice in a sale order would be
 > immediately and visually identified.

Yes, there is probably something to do in this direction. May be like:
Depending on the section you are (for sale, to let, ...) the color 
scheme of the website changes. We can imagine a color per main section
of the menu: Financial Management, Project Management, PArtners. Or, at 
least an icon.

Any other ideas ?

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