The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Hi Alex,                Oct. 22/'11             Aarre

Of course, only the pluspoints (rightnesses),  and not the outpoints
(wrongnesses) will do us any good.

A short list per my opinion:


- study tech really works excellently.  I did the Student Hat course, and
had excellent results.  I use the tech everyday.  Includes the
tech for clearing up the meanings of words;  excellent technology.  No one
else has this apparently.
- introduced the subject and possibility of being spiritual beings to those
who didn't have a clue, like I didn't in 1974, when I first was contacted in
Washington, D.C. to take the communication course.  It was an entrance point
for me, so should be acknowledged heavily for it's first illumination of
spirituality to me, and others.
- admin tech.  much sensible data.
- ethics conditions.  invaluable and needed by everyone.
- data evaluation course.  excellent tech on finding the 'why' (the reason
for something).
- objectives processes.  like CCH's and others.  really help to extrovert a
being's viewpoint to outwards.
- Purification Rundown (program).   really worked to get toxins and
radiation out of my body, and free up my attention.
- Communication Formula and Cycle.  allows sane communications between
beings.  I've never seen it stated so well anywhere else.
- an introduction to the mind with 'Dianetics, the Modern Science of Mental
Health', which opened the mind up for millions;  although
TROM is far more simple and easy to run, and more far-reaching in results.

etc. etc.


- OT 3 level is supposed to be so difficult, but Dennis says that  it only
applies to people who think that they have a 'haunted mind' with demons and
implants in it.  Dennis downplays the importance of implants, and has a few
remedies for them in the tapes.

- too much money;  $300,000 to go spiritually free?  OT VII's that I
witnessed still have minds and aberrations.  Anita Warren paid
   $100,000 to get her OT Eligibility, only to be put on endless Security
Checks.  She said enough, and left the church.

- too much time talking to and kissing up to the ethics officer.

- threats of being kicked out if one doesn't do it the Scientology way.

- OSA ( The Office of Special Affairs ), of which I was a member from 1985 -
1988.   It is now like a paranoid police organization, not
not like an organization promoting spiritual freedom.  One member called
Joe, lied to me when he told me that I stole his harmonica when I was on
staff there and living in the same room number 626 of the main building that
he lived in.  He's gone 'bleeping' nuts !

- too much damn complexity of auditing tech.  so many rundowns and
correction lists, and lists to correct the correction lists !   Volumes and
volumes of data.   Dennis' manual is less than 200 pages long.  Lafayette
Ronald Hubbard once said that complexity is a symptom of non-confront.  LRH
didn't confront the simplicity and power of postulates in their raw form.
They create everything
in the physical universe, and any other universe.  As Dennis said, he was
close, but didn't make it.  Dennis did make it !  Listen to Dennis' lectures
on this.

- got to go downtown, and be on time, instead of doing it in your own
space.   office buildings cost a lot of money to maintain, and we in TROM
don't have any.

- the technical bulletins and policy letters called 'Safeguarding
Technology' and 'Keeping Scientology Working' are suppressive to the extent
that they don't allow any further development by anyone other than LRH.  He
dropped his body in 1986, so he doesn't write any more bulletins.  Can we
assume that LRH was perfect and that his tech was perfect.  No.  People have
been on NOTS
(New Era Dianetics for OT's ) for years and years, just as Dennis stated.
Wasting time handling implants, when you should be
handling the postulates/goals that created the implants in the first place
is mostly a waste of time.  Very entertaining and interesting, but how
wasteful of time and money.

etc., etc.,

Thanks, your friend,
Aarre Peltomaa
(647) 202-7267

- David Miscavage runs the church like a dictator.  Freedom of expression
isn't allowed.

On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 7:19 PM, Alexander Graf <i...@alexander-graf.de>wrote:

> *************
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> ************
> Hi Trommers,
> just a question thats on my mind: what is wrong about LRH-tech? not the
> application by the church, just the tech.
> and, are there any other germans on this list besides leo?
> yours
> alex
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