On Fri, 18 Oct 2002 22:38:14 -0400 "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>The first part [of 1 Jn 5:18], "we know that whosoever
>is born of God," is talking about disciples of Jesus Christ
>(those who believe in Jesus Christ).   Right?
No, not in the KJV--but in the NIV it is; there (interestingly)
the phrase'sinneth not' is changed to 'does not continue to
sin' meaning simply (without impugning anybody) that the
KJV authors radically differed theologically from the NIV authors
One implication of this is that the NIV seems to provide you (DavidM)
with some (unwanted) support for your contention, above--strictly
speaking--whereas the KJV rendering--both parts a) and b)
of 5:18--refer/s exclusively to JC, not to his disciples; therefore,
runs counter to your contention
Another implication is that while the theological dynamics of KJV
5:18 ring true--not necessarily the wording, though--the wording
but not the resulting theological shift of the NIV also rings true--
go figure :-)
Perhaps the main implication for this discussion, though, is that both
authorship groups--of the KJV and of the NIV--try to drive readers
away from reading asceticism and perfectionism into 1 John 5 but have
gone about it quite differently
I think it would be good if we could agree on this much for now, but I
won't be surprized if you say you wanna look into it some more first:-)  g
> believer "sins not."  That is literally what it says.  There is no
> word or
> tense that implies continual sin, or sinning.  It simply says that
> the
> believer, a person who is born of God, sins not.
> Are we in agreement with the language of this verse, and the
> interpretation
> that it is speaking about those who believe in Jesus Christ?
> "Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God." 
> (1John 5:1)
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller.
> ----------
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you
> may know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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