Sometimes God surprises us  --  john

Michigan Abortion Facility Closes, Becomes Pro-Life Pregnancy Center

by Paul Nowak Staff Writer
May 6, 2004

Grand Rapids, MI ( -- The pro-life community is always encouraged by the closing of an abortion business, but in Grand Rapids, LIFE International has been doubly fortunate -- the area's busiest abortion facility has been turned over to their organization, and can now be used as a pro-life center.

First built as a Jewish synagogue in the late 19th century, the building at 72 Ransom Street NE in Grand Rapids had been leased to abortionist Thomas Gordon who performed abortions there at the Heritage Clinic for Women since 1996.

Since 1998, the vision of reclaiming the house of God was before Kurt Dillinger, then Executive Director of the Pregnancy Resource Center of Grand Rapids. Later, in February 1999, the property was listed for sale.

After years of prayer and unwavering faith in the vision of the reclamation of the old synagogue, local businessmen purchased the building and deeded it to LIFE International, the organization that had formed in October 2001 as an offshoot of Pregnancy Resource Center's overseas ministry.

"Hundreds of faithful believers all over the community and the country have been praying that God would halt the activity taking place inside of this building," Eric Ohlman, Director of Communications for LIFE International told

"Not only did he respond to those prayers with a resounding, 'Yes!' but he claimed the building for Himself and is now allowing it to be used as a place of prayer, worship, and life-affirming ministry. God's light has pierced the darkness of 72 Ransom, and the Water of Life will now flow from its walls."

Ohlman added that it is estimated that about 20,000 abortions had been performed at the Ransom Street facility, the final ones taking place April 15, just five days before LIFE took possession of the building. LIFE International could not occupy the building until April, as the terms of the sale last November included a six-month period for Gordon to vacate the premises.

According to Ohlman, Gordon is still looking for a new location to operate his abortion business, and has been repeatedly rejected by owners who do not want such a business in their buildings.

The building will need to be renovated, as the procedure rooms have sinks and counters that are not needed by the new owners. There are plans to create an assembly room for group prayer and meetings, offices, and facilities for counseling post-abortive women and college students.

LIFE International's goal is to open a pregnancy resource center everywhere that abortions are performed, in every nation of the world. Their centers have received over 26,000 visits, and have save over 800 lives since 2001. At 72 Ransom street, they are now ready to continue the message of healing and hope in a place where death and suffering took place for almost a decade.

"What was once a house of death has become a place of life," said Ohlman. "We are excited to join God in this incredible story. It is evident that God Himself has intervened in the lives and hearts of the faithful to inspire them to purchase and deed the building to a pro-life ministry dedicated to establishing pregnancy resource centers wherever abortion is provided around the world."

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