Perry stated:
   2. I have been communicating with Daniel privately about his distasteful 
posts until my public post yesterday about his demeaning and ad-hominem 
style. Daniel does not respect people. He would prefer to demean them than 
teach them or present sound arguments from scripture. 

Daniel responds:

False accusation.  I rebuke people in accordance with the Word and Ruach (Spirit) and 
use the same spirit of YahShua as in Matthew 23.   Pharisees do not change much in 
2000  years and I see the feminist Pharisees on this board need the same rebukes 
Messiah taught  us in Matthew 23.

Perry said:

He places himself on 
the level of Jesus, Paul, and Peter, but behaves more like...well, I do not 
know any Bible personalities that were as vile and filthy as he is in his 
posts except demons. He confuses profanity, insults, and arrogant remarks 
with rebuking and teaching.

Daniel responds:

Again,  false -- but not to worry!  :)  Since I love the Torah,  nothing offends  me 
(Psalm  119) so I realize  a sinner like you can do know better than revile me.  
However, I will point out that WE ARE ALL TO EMULATE JESUS, PETER AND PAUL.   These 
were spiritual pillars -- particularly  the Messiah -- and does  not Christian  mean 
Christ like???

Anyway,  yes Perry, I do  have some insights  the Ruach ha  Kadosh has given me  --  
many of them are on  my website at  but I cannot go into that 
until the toilette  known as truthtalk is thoroughly  cleaned.   

Shabbatting  on this Shabbat Shalom,
Daniel John Lee

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