In a message dated 1/12/2005 5:42:02 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The soul that sinneth, it shall die  --   is not a true statement for those who are in Christ.  

JD, then by your theology there will be very few in hell, and most everyone in heavenâcorrect? Izzy  


Oh, sorry, Izzy,  I am busy trying to come with any some sort of believeable answer.  As sonn as I do,  I will continue our discussion...'Course, when I get through with counting the saved,  I will have to count the lost over all time AND then make some kind of reasonable projection for the future:                       22-2-3-24-25-26-27-28- 

                                                                                          JD - out!

On second thought,  why don't you count out the saved.   You seem to have a better handle on that.   I will take number and the rest should be easy. 

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