Dave, do you consider the Wikipedia to be a reliable source of truth? Who wrote the article? Who are these "Christian church historians". Why is the word "protestant" in quotes? This article has no credits and no citations. Why should it carry any weight other than the fact that it mentions a few points you are trying to make?

But, if you prefer Wikipedia for your source of truth, then perhaps you should have read on...

"The name Protestant is rejected by some Baptists because Baptists do not have a direct connection to Luther, Calvin or the Roman Catholic Church. They do not feel that they are protesting anything and Landmark Baptists believe they pre-date the Roman Catholic Church. Other Baptists accept the Protestant label as a demographic concept that describes churches who share similar theologies of sola scriptura, sola fide, the priesthood of all believers and other positions that Luther, Calvin and traditional reformers held in contrast to the Roman Catholic Church in the 1500s."

Notice that first line?

On the other hand, I prefer the term "Christian" to any other labels...those who are members of the Body of Christ, regardless of from which tradition they come, what "denomination" of fellowship they attend, and who get their truth from the Word of God. This may also include personal revelation that is in line with Biblical truths and principles. So, relying on heretical extra-biblical works produced by or through a magic talisman bearing peep-stone treasure hunter disqualifies one from the Body of Christ.


From: Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Perry & Dave: inquiring minds want to know
Date: Sun, 06 Nov 2005 23:45:56 -0800

DAVEH: Did you not read the WIKI definition I previously provided, Kevin? DavidM has subsequently provided this one, also from WIKI........

/The word Anabaptism may be used to describe a "*Protestant*" group baptizing Christians who were baptized in infancy and/or who come to them from other bodies, any of the 16th century "radical" dissenters, or the denominations descending from the followers of Menno Simons. The use of the term Anabaptism does not necessarily imply claims to uniformity between the groups thus denominated. Today the descendants of the 16th century European movement (particularly the Amish, Hutterites, & Mennonites) are the most common bodies referred to as Anabaptist. Yet other bodies (such as the early English Baptists) were also referred to by their enemies as Anabaptists, and are clearly Anabaptists in the generally accepted sense of the term. The majority of Baptists further engage in a practice others consider "rebaptizing" in that they usually rebaptize even adult believers who were baptized by some mode other than immersion. _Christian church historians generally believe that there is no historical continuity between anabaptists in the first few centuries of the Christianity and later anabaptist groups._/

..........Does that not explain the situation? Modern day Baptists are Protestants.

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