On 3/16/06, ajones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was wondering how well turbogears scales? Obviously interesting
> caching tricks can be done on the web face, and other strange voodoo
> can be done in the database, but is turbogears itself designed to
> scale?

Performance is not a core priority for TG. Almost any technology can
scale with the correct server architecture and proper caching tricks.
TG is no exception here.

> Can I host the controller, for instance, on multiple servers for better
> response time?

Nothing in TG prevents you from doing this. The biggest restriction
would probably be using the Identity framework with the default
sqlobject provider, as that hits the database every pageview. I'm
pretty sure you can write your own provider so that it doesn't do
this, but I don't know how you would go about doing this.

> If you had to design a truly big system, or a lot of little
> interconnected remote sites, and wanted TG to do it what are the
> options?

I've never done this, only read about it, so I'll leave that to
someone else. Word on the street is that the magic google phrase is
'shared nothing'.

> Can I do this entire post entirely with questions? I think not.

So close!

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