Gerhard Häring wrote:
> Robin Haswell wrote:
>>>I've still got some decisions to make such as FastCGI vs mod_python - 
>>>anybody have the pro's and con's between these two?
>>My experience with setting up shared hosts tells me this: FastCGI is
>>slow but works with SuEXEC so is secure. mod_python is fast but all
>>processes run as the Apache user - draw your own conclusions from this.
> Not considering benchmarks of "hello-world" style apps, is 
> FastCGI/SCGI/mod_proxy really noticably slower than using mod_python for 
> real applications?

My experience is really only with PHP, where the statup times are quite
high (PHP doesn't have the concept of runtime module selection as such).
However I can't imagine any situations where FCGID would be quicker than
mod_python, as mod_python's python interpreter runs within the Apache
process itself.

>>What really solves the problem is the Apache Perchild MPM - mod_* speed
>>with suexec capabilities. Unfortunately for some unfathomable reason
>>perchild isn't finished and isn't being developed :'( [...]
> Apparently developing something like the Apache perchild MPM is hard. 
> Because it didn't get fixed and it had several problems, it got finally 
> scrapped in Apache 2.2.
> There were/are several attempts to develop a replacment, none of them 
> ready for production yet, according to their developers:
> metuxmpm:
> itk mpm:
> peruser mpm:
> -- Gerhard

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