On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 5:03 PM, Scott Kurz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That 'generate-sdo' only generates the Java types from the schema types,
> right?
> It's the WSDL2Java which maps portType operations t**o Java methods and
> (last I checked) our
> W2J is the only tool which knows how to do this with an SDO databinding.

Yes after playing around with the tools i think thats right. It looks like
the current Tuscany/SCA W2J tool generates just a service interface but not
the types for the operation arguments, and that interface is annotated with
the osoa @Service and @Remotable annotataions. So to use that interface you
must use another tool to generate the Java classes for the types (and hope
that both tools generate identical names for the types) otherwise the W2J
generated interface wont even compile.


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