Maybe others are taking this for granted, but I think it would help to get
clear on why exactly we need a Tuscany SEI2WSDL/WSDL2SEI toolset, as opposed
to, say, leveraging and extending something like the CXF toolset.

I can see these arguments:

A) There are SCA-specific aspects of the artifacts to deal with and other
tools are not extensible enough.
  Example:   A SEI2WSDL tool should handle the SCA @OneWay in addition to
the JAX-WS @Oneway

B) The databinding extensibility/pluggability mechanims in other toolsets
(CXF) are not flexible/robust enough.   (We certainly know this is true of

C) We care about more than just Java as the SEI, but others don't?

D) We want to provide a tool-time mapping which matches our runtime

I'm not familiar enough w/ other tools to argue A) or B), but I'm assuming
that D) is the most important reason for most people.

While it does seem inefficient for every Apache WS-related project to have
to implement all the JAX-WS rules from scratch, and while we might hope that
any tool "following the spec (JAXWS)" (plus whatever databinding
introspection rules Tuscany establishes) should work....   we want to have a
single tool that we have control of as a project.

If we take, for example, the time not too long ago where we debated an
aspect of the rules for calculating that a WSDL was doc-lit-wrapped, it
would help to have a single tool that for certain shared the same
interpretation as the runtime.


Before we go writing code to support all the JAX-WS WSDL customizations,
have we agreed that this is why we are doing this?


On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 5:23 AM, ant elder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 6:02 PM, Raymond Feng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <snip>
> Anyway, so would we be committing to doing this in time for the next
> >> release? If so I can stop looking at upgrading the exsiting tools to
> work
> >> with Axis2 1.4. Or is this just "something to look at in the furture"
> and
> >> I
> >> still need to get the existing tools running with Axis2 1.4 in time for
> >> our
> >> next SCA release?
> >>
> >
> > Effort wise, which approach requires more? We need to make a good balance
> > here. If the migration to 1.4 is an one-day work, then I think it's worth
> to
> > migrate it 1st to have a working base.
> >
> >
> Its not just about getting the old tool working again though - the current
> tool code produces different wsdl than what the runtime does and it will
> get
> even more different as we switch to the new runtime wsdl generation code,
> and AFAICT we have nothing that uses the current tool, no doc on how to use
> it, and no testcases. Yes writing a new tool based on the new runtime wsdl
> generation code is more effort but isn't that inevertably going to happen
> so
> spending any more time on the old tool code a bit redundant?
>   ...ant

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