2008/5/22 ant elder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 9:31 AM, ant elder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 5:03 PM, Scott Kurz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> That 'generate-sdo' only generates the Java types from the schema types,
> >> right?
> >>
> >> It's the WSDL2Java which maps portType operations t**o Java methods and
> >> (last I checked) our
> >> W2J is the only tool which knows how to do this with an SDO databinding.
> >>
> >
> > Yes after playing around with the tools i think thats right. It looks
> like
> > the current Tuscany/SCA W2J tool generates just a service interface but
> not
> > the types for the operation arguments, and that interface is annotated
> with
> > the osoa @Service and @Remotable annotataions. So to use that interface
> you
> > must use another tool to generate the Java classes for the types (and
> hope
> > that both tools generate identical names for the types) otherwise the W2J
> > generated interface wont even compile.
> >
> >    ...ant
> >
> >
> Given the above what would people think about abandoning our Tuscany/SCA
> Axis2 base W2J tool and just updating the SDO tool to support generating
> the
> SEI class?

I think this may not be directly relevant,  since from what I can work out
the additional function you are discussing would be a bolt-on addition to
the SDO Java generator, but here's  a quick heads up to anyone who might be
thinking of changing the SDO Java generator.  You will need skills in
JavaJet (uses a JSP like syntax).  There's an FAQ on how to get Eclipse set
up to modify the JavaJet here [1]

To give you a flavour, the JavaJet input files for the generator are here
[2], which generates java code [3],  and that generated java code itself is
used to generate the end users generated java classes.


[1] http://incubator.apache.org/tuscany/tuscany-sdo-java-faq.html

> So for example the helloworld bpel sample where both of these are
> used at at the bottom of the pom.xml [1] would have the
> tuscany-maven-wsdl2java plugin removed and an extra parameter added to the
> tuscany-sdo-plugin like <generateSEI>true</generateSEI>?
> The generateSEI parameter would only be available when the sdo plugin is
> using a wsdl document and although the generated interface would have the
> SCA @Service and @Remotable annotations as they're just strings it wouldn't
> drag in any sca dependencies to sdo, the sca jar would only be needed when
> you actually compile the generated interface.
>   ...ant
> [1]
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/tuscany/java/sca/samples/helloworld-bpel/pom.xml

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