At 04:53 -0500 2003-06-27, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If they're so unaware of combining classes, might it not seem reasonable to think the the dialog might continue as follows?

- [gives explanation of combining classes and the related problem for Hebrew]
ISO: So, you're saying you're coming to us asking for duplicates of existing characters because of an error the Unicode Consortium made with some of those character properties they define?
- Well, yes, that's basically it.
ISO: Then, obviously they need to correct their errors. I mean, it's not like the wrong characters got encoded or something. Tell them to just fix the errors; that can't be difficult to do, and is obviously the right thing to do.

This is exactly my view.

Who is it who will kill the Unicode Consortium if UAX #15 were to be revised? Did it occur to anyone to *ask* about the possible revision of classes for the dozen or so instances that would be affected?
Michael Everson * * Everson Typography * *

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