Greetings Fellow Uniconers,

   I committed changes to svn today and I will make more changes over the
next few days that affect the configuration and the build system of Unicon.
I would like to bring up two points to your attention:

   1- If you are on a production system my advice is to refrain form
updating until the dust settles just in case something goes wrong. I expect
this to not take more than a few days. I didn't see any issues yet. Please
let me know if you have any troubles and I will fix as soon as possible.

2- If you decide to update, make sure to start "clean" by doing:

  make Pure

at the top level before updating. Files/configurations are being shuffled
around and new ones are introduced, having local changes will most likely
create trouble! you have been warned! :-)

Sit tight and enjoy the ride!

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