Well 24 hours is a long time in cyberspace. We have a fully functional wiki and promises of content (and contentment).

I'll drop tiddlywiki (the mailing list of users is overloading my inbox anyway) except for my personal notes and transfer what I've written to the new place.

I think it was Timo who said yesterday that we should use it to build tutorials in a "conversational" way. I agree. Which means if you have an idea but not much time, start a topic and make some notes. I have no objection to languages other than English. I think if you have found out something great and you only have time to write 3 lines in Swahili, it's best to do so and come back to it later. Or wait for some kind soul to translate it. Also if you get an answer to a question on this list or in the 3ddart forum, you could quickly copy it to the wiki and clean it up later.

I also think fully formed tutorials (like Garry's great new one on lighting) belong at realsoft.info. The wiki could contain a summary and the link. My intention was never to duplicate resources. The user manual is already online, so there is no need to include more than a link (the whole Blender manual appears to be in the wiki).


Aidan O Driscoll wrote:

Hi Guys,

Nothing like spying on the competition to get ideas :-D

Have a look at the Blender WIKI over here -



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