
Thanks for your time on this. I have done as you outlined. After running
forrest site in testSDocbook directory I again got the message in the

BROKEN: C:\apachefriends\xampp\htdocs\apache-forrest-0.7\plugins\plugins.xml
<The system cannot find the file specified> 

However all the plugins appeared to be retrieved and configured as you

I checked the distribution zip file for forrest and found that
\apache-forrest-0.7\plugins\plugins.xml was present, so copied it to where
it should have been in my installation. I re-ran forrest site without

I then ran forrest run in:
without problems, and could view sdocbook.html and .pdf

I then tried adding one of my own sdocbook documents, and again had the
problem of no content. I checked out input.xmap, and found that it had a
sourcetype of sdocbook-v1.0, whereas my documents are all sdocbook-v1.1

I assigned sdocbook-v1.0 to a couple of my documents, and they worked fine.

I suppose it is possible to modify input.xmap so that will accept
sdocbook-v1.1 as well?

Where should that be done?

It may have been that downloading the plugins manually meant that they were
not installed correctly. Might I suggest that on the initial plugins page on that a indication be placed above the download section
that this is normally done automatically by forrest, rather than having to
follow a link to a second page to find this out.

Still, I have learned heaps more than I would have if it had all gone
smoothly, as it obviously does if done right. Next time, read the
instructions, Phillip, read the instructions.

Now to try out the testSDocbook site with some of my documents.

Thanks again, Ross.

I am using forrest-0.7

-----Original Message-----
From: Ross Gardler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 2:53 AM
Subject: Re: simplified docbook plugin (Was: Forrest run works but forrest

Phillip Evans wrote:
> OK, here is the process I followed and the issues that I have found 
> while getting forrest to work with sdocbook.

Once we have verified that this works (or debugged why it doesn't work)
we'll get your sdocbook files working in the new sample site we did.
