On 12/11/05, Henri Bergius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Dec 11, 2005, at 19:52, Mattias Stahre wrote:
> Is there NO one that have ideas about how to improve the
> documentation?
> I belive it must be more people than me that uses documentation, and
> know what they think about it, and maybe have some idea on how to be
> improving it?

I finally took a bit of time to reorganize the Wiki front page to be
more list-like:

What do you think? This should bring the important documentation
areas forward quite a bit better.
The new layout looks alot better, something more that I wanted to have there. Now it's not so messy anymore and you easy get a nice overveiw of the contents in the docs. I will look cearfully, and maybe come with some ideas if I find something that could be changed. But for know it looks great... Many times better than before.

Now, looking at the docs, there are three areas where more
information would severely be needed:

* Building the site structure: There are currently no docs about how
to build a site structure in Midgard, creating subtopics as
directories, and mapping components to them. A simple HOWTO would do
wonders here
Yes, that would be really helpful. And maybe some docs on the standardstructure looks.

* Customizing the style: Now we have two separate guides for making
layouts, but frankly both suck. Some love from a web designer who
knows Midgard would be needed here. The current pages about this are
style/ and http://www.midgard-project.org/documentation/howto-midcom-
Yes they both suck :)
Lists of what midgard does generate would be nice, took me a while to figure out what midgard does here and there, and frankly I have rewritten for example the navicode to fit better with my style, and have rewritten alot of the other things. Things like that could go to a  advanced howto, but some easy what midcom puts there as standard would be great in a newbie howto. For example the navi was fun before i figured out why the heck the leaves did fuckup. And why midcom admin fucked up so badly within the design. All the elements Ive found again by reading the HTML source for my webpage, a real trial and error. So howtows about creating a simple layout would be good here. 

* MidCOM component development: This area would be very useful to all
PHP developers looking at Midgard. It would be great if Arttu could
complete his guide there, so Torben could then add his wisdom on
making efficient MidCOM 2.5+ components.
The midcom developers should also be better on documentation what their modules do. And why they do. Maybe something about the namespacing for modules example "no.odindata.quickform" that is a formmailer dosent say so much really, or the " pl.olga.vv" well when you see the name it can be ANYTHING. or the net.nemin.ping ... webblog pinger? Well it sounds more like it would perform a standard ping to a server... why not a net.nemin.webblogping for example?


PS. Mattias, I noticed you run a blog. Want to be included on Planet
Sure. There are not much there yet. But I will start to write alot about midgard, and other geekstuff is my plan. As fast I figure out how to make everything into categorys and stuff like that. Well I will look in your blog later, i do blevie you wrote something about it.
Bergie, why don't you post all the great thing found in the blog about midgard development to the midgard wiki? =)

Henri Bergius
Consultant Partner, Nemein

Midgard CMS

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Mattias "Plux" Stahre

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