Am Mittwoch, 7. Dezember 2005 16:59 schrieb Mattias Stahre:
> What I would like to see from the documentation project is:
> * Better overview of the documentation (more organized)
> * A complete documentation covering all the modules and everything in
> the midgard sphere.
> * Complete reference of the modules (for example how the default schema
> and config looks like for it)
> * Tutorials, how to work with aegir/customizing modules. (one way to
> write a tutorial is perhaps to find a complete site project that would
> need customization of modules to work and describe what to do and where,
> like many "newbie" coding books use).
> * A standard that goes complete all over the docs, how to write, how to
> format etc.

Another thing that comes to mind is Midgard terminology, which can be 
extremely confusing for new users. For example, it took me quite some time to 
figure out that MgdSchema and MidCOM Datamanager Schemas are two separate 
concepts. On the list, they are both called schemas for convenience and the 
docs on the website are not particularily helpful either. From what I 
gathered, MgdSchema was the inspiration for Datamanager Schemas, but this is 
not really an excuse for using the same name for an XML-based file that 
serves one purpose and a PHP array in the DB which serves a different purpose 
in a different part of the framework.
For Midcom Components, it's even worse. From a package maintainer's point of 
view, the current naming convention may make sense, but how on earth is on 
supposed to know (in the absence of any documentation) that pl.olga.vv 
contains methods for displaying view counts and enable voting in other 
components (correct me if I'm mistaken)? Wouldn't 
midcom.library.votesandviews or something similar be a bit more useful?



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