On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 12:31 PM, Brett Palmer <brettgpal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I meant removing finished jobs.  If you have thousands of pending jobs then
> you will have the same problem I mentioned in my first email.  One
> resolution will be to increase the job poller transaction time.  In the
> ofbiz version I was using there was not a way to configure the poller
> transaction time.  It just used the default time.  I had to create a patch
> to allow this to happen.

I see. I already did that: We had 2.6 million lines on the JobSandbox,
mostly of completed or failed jobs. We deleted completed and failed
and are now looking at about 260L pending jobs. I want to run those
jobs, so I can get the machine back to normal.

> In the patch you had to be careful to not increase the transaction time
> greater than the frequency of the job poller.  Otherwise you get into a lock
> situation where one job poller is still running within a transaction and
> another poller starts.  This didn't create a huge problem but the second job
> poller would usually lock and then time out.

I understand the possible race condition. So how do I figure what to
set the timeout to and where do I configure that?



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