Nice idea. Perhaps something i can add in the future on the site.

By the way do you know that every time i have to search something
about Ofbiz i take always first your book "The Apache Ofbiz Cookbook".
 I am always hoping you make one time a part 2 or an extension or
something !!


2011/12/10 Ruth Hoffman <>:
> Hi Heidi:
> Oh, I see now. Out-of-the-box I believe that the VendorProduct information
> is not displayed on the ecommerce site. In 9.x and 10.x I don't remember
> seeing this anywhere.
> Should not be hard to do if you are capturing that information at some
> point. For one client, I built a layer on top of the Catalog Manager that
> allowed them to easily add product vendor information (without having to go
> through all the screens from the Party Manager, Accounting Manager and then
> Catalog Manager etc.) at the same time they added or updated product info.
> And then, on the e-commerce site, the just added a field that displayed the
> vendor name and contact info.
> Regards,
> Ruth
> On 12/9/11 5:55 PM, Info Olagos wrote:
>> Yes thanks.
>> Ruth i just mean with e-commerce site, that i don't see any influence
>> on the e-commerce content when i should define a vendor for a product
>> in the catalog.
>> There is no difference in the content on the e-commerce web pages. I
>> mean on you could see who is the vendor for some products
>> when it is not Amazon itself. But that is not implemented (yet?) in
>> ofbiz ecommerce component.
>> Heidi
>> 2011/12/9 Ruth Hoffman<>:
>>> Hi Heidi:
>>> IMHO no. They are the same Party just acting in different roles.
>>> IMHO we should just stop talking about them as 2 different things. Here
>>> is
>>> where I am coming from: I did not write any of the project code or design
>>> the original data model.  I just use this stuff - day in and day out. My
>>> interpretations are based on how I've implemented different business
>>> automation relative to my clients needs. When my client says that they
>>> want
>>> to support and track vendors who supply raw materials to their
>>> manufacturing
>>> shop, I do not stop and ask myself whether or not these parties are
>>> defined
>>> as "vendors" or "suppliers".
>>> That same client may also say "I want to track supplies (from vendors) as
>>> they are received in my warehouse become part of inventory and then may
>>> be
>>> resold on the ecommerce site". Again, I don't stop to ask myself whether
>>> those parties are "vendors" or "suppliers".  My clients and I call these
>>> parties "vendors". These vendors "supply" the company with goods. When
>>> they
>>> supply the company with goods, products or services they are vendors
>>> acting
>>> in a role of "supplier".
>>> This interpretation has stood the test of time and works for me and my
>>> clients. Your mileage may vary...but that is the beauty of OFBiz. It is
>>> flexible enough to withstand even the most outlandish of
>>> misinterpretations.
>>> Not sure what you mean by vendor and ecommerce website?
>>> Regards,
>>> Ruth
>>> On 12/9/11 3:23 PM, Info Olagos wrote:
>>>> Hi Ruth,
>>>> Yes ok, but now i am a little bit again confused. In fact there is not
>>>> so much difference between a vendor and a supplier then.
>>>> I didn't saw neither any interactive functionalities around a vendor
>>>> on the commerce website. Perhaps there is any interaction in the
>>>> accounting module ?????
>>>> Do you know that?
>>>> Heidi
>>>> 2011/12/9 Ruth Hoffman<>:
>>>>> Hi Heidi:
>>>>> Another way to look at this:
>>>>> 1) The OFBiz data model has a table/entity named "VENDOR" but *NO
>>>>> *table/entity for a "SUPPLIER". (9.4 and 10.4)
>>>>> 2) If you look at how vendor/supplier is used in some of the OFBiz
>>>>> applications, you might observe that:
>>>>> A vendor "supplies" goods or services to the Company of record for the
>>>>> OFBiz
>>>>> instance. Those goods or services may be raw materials for
>>>>> manufacturing,
>>>>> products for resale on the ecommerce site or computers to run your
>>>>> business.
>>>>> When a vendor (with a record in the VENDOR table) supplies you with
>>>>> something, they are acting in a role called a "SUPPLIER".
>>>>> So, in the OFBiz world, my interpretation is: A vendor is a supplier.
>>>>> It
>>>>> is
>>>>> as simple as that. Anything more is making it too complicated :-)
>>>>> Anyone care to comment on my interpretation?
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Ruth
>>>>> On 12/7/11 1:21 PM, Info Olagos wrote:
>>>>>> ok i understand it now.
>>>>>> Thanks. Very interesting !
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Heidi
>>>>>> 2011/12/7 Adrian Crum<>:
>>>>>>> A good example of a vendor role can be found in Amazon. Amazon sells
>>>>>>> products, but it also hosts other businesses that sell products
>>>>>>> through
>>>>>>> Amazon (eStores). Those other businesses selling products through
>>>>>>> Amazon
>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>> vendors.
>>>>>>> A supplier is someone who sells you goods or services.
>>>>>>> -Adrian
>>>>>>> On 12/7/2011 4:32 PM, Bilgin Ibryam wrote:
>>>>>>>> It is already explained previously on the mailing list
>>>>>>>> Also updated the glossary
>>>>>>>> Bilgin
>>>>>>>> On 7 December 2011 12:50, Info Olagos<>
>>>>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>> Can anyone explain  me what is the difference between a "vendor"
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>> "supplier" in the catalog of ofbiz 09.04?
>>>>>>>>> In my language (Flemish) there is no difference between these two
>>>>>>>>> words. However in ofbiz it are two different items.
>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Heidi
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Olagos bvba
>>>>>>>>> Olagos team
>>>>>>>>> Heesterbos 5
>>>>>>>>> 2570 Duffel
>>>>>>>>> Belgium

Olagos bvba
Olagos team
Heesterbos 5
2570 Duffel

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