Hi Ruth,

Just one more question.

I have the Data Model book. But is the Data Model part 2 book also
interesting for Ofbiz?


2011/12/10, Ruth Hoffman <rhoff...@aesolves.com>:
> Hi Mike:
> I too looked at the Data Model book and would agree with your
> interpretation from the book.
> Since my opinions seem to inflame David to no end, I think I'll just
> stop trying to help out here and wish everyone best of luck in
> understanding how this all fits together.
> Should anyone care for more of my opinions on this or any matter
> concerning OFBiz (or the coming elections :-), please feel free to
> contact me via the myofbiz.com website. That is what it is there
> for...to spread OFBiz information - real or imaginary.
> Best Regards
> Ruth Hoffman
> ruth.hoff...@myofbiz.com
> On 12/10/11 12:59 AM, Mike wrote:
>> Hey Dave.  It is a little confusing, so I looked at Data Model
>> Resource Book to see if there is clarification.  From what  I can
>> garner, a Vendor "sells" stuff (to you), and a Supplier "supplies" you
>> with repetitive items, over and over.
>> You may call your local light vendor and ask for 100 15w br30 CFL
>> bulbs.  You don't care about the make and models.  The vendor looks at
>> his OWN suppliers, and ends up shipping to you 100 sylvania 15w, model
>> xyzzy, or a combination of equivalent items from various sources.
>> That is a Vendor.  He takes your order, looks at what suppliers HE has
>> relationships with, and ships to you what you need.  He's a middleman,
>> and he may also use his own, unique part numbers for these  items.
>> (VendorProduct).
>> A Supplier is more precise.  He still takes your order, and sends to
>> you ONLY what HE makes/manufactures/distributes.  That's it.  You know
>> exactly what you need, you know the exact make, model, manufacturer,
>> size and part number.  He supplies the same exact part to you, over
>> and over. (SupplierProduct)
>> Is this closer, or am I way off.
>> On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 6:31 PM, David E Jones<d...@me.com>  wrote:
>>> Ruth Hoffman wrote:
>>>> Hi David:
>>>> Nice to hear from you again. Thanks for your input. I have some
>>>> responses. Please see below:
>>>> On 12/9/11 4:44 PM, David E Jones wrote:
>>>>> Ruth Hoffman wrote:
>>>>>> 2) If you look at how vendor/supplier is used in some of the OFBiz
>>>>>> applications, you might observe that:
>>>>>> A vendor "supplies" goods or services to the Company of record for the
>>>>>> OFBiz instance. Those goods or services may be raw materials for
>>>>>> manufacturing, products for resale on the ecommerce site or computers
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> run your business. When a vendor (with a record in the VENDOR table)
>>>>>> supplies you with something, they are acting in a role called a
>>>>>> "SUPPLIER".
>>>>>> So, in the OFBiz world, my interpretation is: A vendor is a supplier.
>>>>>> It
>>>>>> is as simple as that. Anything more is making it too complicated :-)
>>>>>> Anyone care to comment on my interpretation?
>>>>> Actually a Supplier is a Party the sells things to the company running
>>>>> OFBiz, hence the SupplierProduct entity. In other words, a purchase
>>>>> order is sent to a Supplier.
>>>> A vendor is also a Party that could sell things to the company running
>>>> OFBiz. Just depends on how you set up your accounting system and how you
>>>> name your accounts.
>>>>> The term vendor doesn't mean much in OFBiz, but has been used for any
>>>>> Party that sells something. For example, if you have multiple stores in
>>>>> your OFBiz instance you may have a vendor per store. You could also
>>>>> have
>>>>> multiple vendors selling through a single store.
>>>> Seems to me if the Party sells something and the term vendor is used to
>>>> express that activity, then the term DOES have lots of meaning. OFBiz
>>>> e-commerce, after all, is all about selling products.
>>>> That said, there is also an entity named VendorProduct that when coupled
>>>> with the Vendor entity may be used in the same way as the
>>>> SupplierProduct entity. Perhaps I should have said a vendor is a type of
>>>> supplier? Unfortunately (or maybe fortuneately - who is to say?), the
>>>> data model does not enforce this relationship.
>>> Okay, so did you ask to get an answer, or did you ask to start a
>>> discussion? It's not like this is open to interpretation, this was
>>> discussed and decided on a long time ago.
>>> A supplier sells stuff to the company running OFBiz. A vendor sells
>>> stuff to the customers of the company, and a vendor could be an
>>> affiliate or consignment seller sort of thing.
>>> The SupplierProduct and VendorProduct entities are VERY different and
>>> meant to model these 2 totally different things. I'm sorry, but looking
>>> at them again to make sure, I'm not even sure how they could possibly be
>>> confused.
>>>>> They are not really equivalent terms.
>>>> Maybe, maybe not, but I would argue, based on the data model, that they
>>>> ARE equivalent terms when a vendor acts in the role of supplier.
>>>> Regardless, there is really no need to make this more confusing or
>>>> complex than it already is.
>>> There is a clear distinction here. It's not making things complex, it's
>>> two different concepts. It's not one concept, that would be
>>> over-simplifying it. It is two separate, distinct concepts that need
>>> different words, and have them.
>>> Damn, with all the mis-information buzzing around these lists no wonder
>>> people have so many issues with OFBiz. Of course, OFBiz itself is
>>> admittedly complex and often unclear or just plain buggy and
>>> inconsistent, so this is understandable.
>>> I don't know exactly what we can do about all of this, but being more
>>> careful and detailed might be a good start for all of us.
>>> -David

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