--- Jonny Cavell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This highlights a problem in the way that interceptors are configured. If I
> want to remove one from the default stack, I can't then easily put it back
> in the same place for a specific action.

On the rare occasions where I've needed this functionality I've created
"before" and "after" stacks: the default stack simply uses the "before" and
"after" stacks in order; any actions that require different behavior specify
them manually, including whatever is necessary between them. I've only done
that twice, and I mean to eliminate those as well.

I've experimented with various ways of making an interceptor stack more
dynamic, but haven't come up with anything that isn't particularly fragile.
Patches and suggestions will always be considered; please start a new thread
with your ideas.

> So that brings me back to the original problem - getting all these Error
> setting expression 'xxx' with value '[Ljava.lang.String;@19a82ee' messages
> for every single parameter that doesn't have an associated setter method on
> the action. How do I stop these errors?

IIRC if devMode is turned on these messages will be logged; if devMode is off
they won't. I may be remembering that incorrectly, and can't check at the


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