our webserver (www.iijlab.net) is under DoS (I would say so) attack
        from 3ffe:3200:f:f::2 (compass6.compass.edu.cn).  the machine transmits
        bogus HTTP get request like every second, from wget 1.7 (popular
        webpage grabbing tool).
        the attack, or misconfiguration, has been running for at least 2 weeks.

        whoever you are, if you are reading it, please stop it.  thanks.


(26000 requests in 14 hours.  1.9 seconds/request interval in average)

% head -1 access.log
3ffe:3200:f:f::2 - - [18/Oct/2001:02:00:16 +0900] "HEAD / HTTP/1.0" 200 0 
"http://www.iijlab.net/iijlab.j.html"; "Wget/1.7"
% tail -1 access.log
3ffe:3200:f:f::2 - - [18/Oct/2001:16:21:12 +0900] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 1621 
"http://www.iijlab.net/"; "Wget/1.7"
% wc -l access.log
   30882 access.log
% grep 3ffe:3200:f:f access.log | wc -l

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