On Fri, 2002-02-08 at 11:33, Ian Daly wrote:
> It should be "preferred-smsc-id", "allowed-smsc-id" is used for
> sms-services.
Really ? this is not what I understood from the user guide - as I
understand it, allowed SMSC is used for access control, while prefered
SMSC is used for routing priorities.
But ok - I agree that using prefered SMSC is a much better keyword to
use if load balancing is required.

> > now, if I send a message with the SMSC set to 200, it could be sent on
> > any of the three SMSCs, right ?
> > how does it decide which SMSC to use ? round robin ? random ?
> matches that list. With preferred only set like this, yes it could go
> through any of them because '200' is in every preferred list. The exact
> details of the algorithm could be explained by someone more familiar with
> the code

That's was what I'm trying to get - a clear idea of the load balancing
algortihm. from my test it looks like randomal, which is (IMHO) not a
good idea for a small number of SMSCs (is there a kannel setup in use
somewhere with a large number of SMSCs ?).
Oded Arbel
m-Wise inc.

Many of the convicted thieves Parker has met began their
life of crime after taking college Computer Science courses.
        -- Roger Rapoport, "Programs for Plunder", Omni, March 1981

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