
We are having an issue with oneacct command when we try to get the accounting for a group, for example:

[oneadmin@cloud ~]$ oneacct -g ops
HTTP-Error: 500 Internal Server Error

[oneadmin@cloud ~]$  oneacct -g fedcloud.egi.eu
HTTP-Error: 500 Internal Server Error

As far as we have been told, it seems the issue it is hidden deep in libxmlrpc and has almost nothing to do with OpenNebula or its version. The problem is this (briefly):

Once the VM history goes over approx. 40k of VMs, libxmlrpc will refuse to allocate enough memory for some OpenNebula responses to RPC commands.

Also, the solution proposed is to compile OpenNebula against a newer and patched version of libxmlrpc but to be honest, I would prefer avoid this solution.

I understand this is not an OpenNebula issue but I wonder if as OpenNebula developers you have seen this issue before and it there is any other better solution. Also, if some other site has experiment this issue, I would like to know which was the solution applied.

Any help is welcome on this since we need to solve this issue asap :)

Thanks in advance,

Esteban Freire García
Centro de supercomputación de Galicia
Avda. de Vigo s/n. Campus Vida
15705 - Santiago de Compostela. Spain
Tlfn.: 981 56 98 10 Extension:274
Fax: 981 59 46 16

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