Hi Carlos,

Thank you very much for letting us know, we need to think it deeply :)

Just one question, which are the pros and cons of compiling oned? It is a serious thing for us since the infrastructure is on production and I am not sure if it will break future updates trough yum/rpm and also, if we could break something in current ON installation at CESGA. Personally, I don't like this decision but it is my humble opinion and in any case, we need to discuss about it.

Thanks in advance,

On 02/17/2015 11:05 AM, Carlos Martín Sánchez wrote:

I forgot to add that if you want to test the new libxmlrpc version yourself, it's not that difficult to compile oned with the 'xmlrpc' scons option:


Carlos Martín, MSc
Project Engineer
OpenNebula - Flexible Enterprise Cloud Made Simple
www.OpenNebula.org <http://www.OpenNebula.org> | cmar...@opennebula.org <mailto:cmar...@opennebula.org> | @OpenNebula <http://twitter.com/opennebula>

On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 10:39 AM, RubEn DIez LAzaro <rd...@cesga.es <mailto:rd...@cesga.es>> wrote:


    I Does not know really if some recent version of libxmlrpc-c fix
    this bug... bug the patch seems to be into some branch....


    I don't pretend to confuse you with how we discover this bug, but
    in short it appears when executing some accounting software by
    Boris Parak for the Federate cloud of the EGI project....

    I hope the patch i link help to clarify the situation.

    Best regards.

    On 12/02/15 22:53, Alejandro Feijóo wrote:

        -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
        Hash: SHA512

        Hi to all.

        As Esteban say,  we have a planned updated to last stable
        release the Wednesday 18th, but i think we can wait if the
        is updated in the next days or maybe weeks.

        I think we can wait because the new ON not have critical
        changes (we
        have pached one-flow yet) and make 2 updates in the same month
        can be a
        problem for our costumers... (we use oneflow in a lot of critical
        services and is a problem make 2 scheduled stops)

        But if the change is programated to 4.12 we going to update
        and patch it
        (I think Ruben have a special love story paching software hehe)

        Again, a lot of thanks.

        El 12/02/15 a las 19:32, Esteban Freire escribió:

            Hi Carlos,

            Thank you very much for checking it :)

            About if it should be fixed in 1.33.14, I hope Rubén
            answer to this
            tomorrow since it is the one looking at this issue.

            When do you think we could test this? Sorry for the
            question/hurry but
            we are failing accounting due to this issue in FedCloud
            (EGI). In
            principle, we are going to update to last ON version next
            Wednesday 18th.

            Thanks in advance,

            On 02/12/2015 07:23 PM, Carlos Martín Sánchez wrote:


                I'm not directly involved in the packaging, but as far
                as I can tell,
                OpenNebula 4.8 comes with libxmlrpc-c version 1.33.6.
                If I understand correctly, the problem you report
                should be fixed in

                I've checked and the current super stable version is
                1.33.16 [1]. We
                will see if the static library can be updated without
                anything [2].


                [2] http://dev.opennebula.org/issues/3594

-- Carlos Martín, MSc
                Project Engineer
                OpenNebula - Flexible Enterprise Cloud Made Simple
                www.OpenNebula.org <http://www.OpenNebula.org>
                <http://www.OpenNebula.org> |
                cmar...@opennebula.org <mailto:cmar...@opennebula.org>
                <mailto:cmar...@opennebula.org>> | @OpenNebula

                On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 12:08 PM, RubEn DIez LAzaro
                <rd...@cesga.es <mailto:rd...@cesga.es>
                <mailto:rd...@cesga.es <mailto:rd...@cesga.es>>> wrote:


                     The distro is Scientific Linux release 6.4
                (Carbon) and ONE is
                     installed from repo (it seems be the repo for
                CentOS 6)

                     [root@cloud yum.repos.d]# cat opennebula.repo

                     The installed (from standard repos) version of
                libxmlrpc-c is

                     # yum info xmlrpc-c
                     Installed Packages
                     Name        : xmlrpc-c
                     Arch        : x86_64
                     Version     : 1.16.24
                     Release     : 1209.1840.el6
                     Size        : 263 k
                     Repo        : installed
                     From repo   : sl
                     Summary     : A lightweight RPC library based on
                XML and HTTP
                     URL         : http://xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net/
                     License     : BSD and MIT
                     Description : XML-RPC is a quick-and-easy way to
                make procedure
                     calls over the
                                 : Internet. It converts the procedure
                call into XML
                     document, sends
                                 : it to a remote server using HTTP,
                and gets back the
                     response as
                                 : XML.
                                 : This library provides a modular
                implementation of
                     XML-RPC for C.

                     but this is no matter since you claims that ONE
                is statically
                     linked.... What version of xmlrpc-c is linked to
                the ONE from the
                     showed repo??

                     We get a source path for 1.33.14 and we build a
                possible (yet
                     untested, done by hand using patch we have for
                1.33.14) patch for
                     1.16.24.... Perhaps we can send you these patches
                for fix the
                     issue in your statically linked xmlrpc-c???


                     On 12/02/15 11:48, Carlos Martín Sánchez wrote:


                         We already use a statically linked
                    libxmlrpc-c version to use a
                         newer one for some distros.
                         How did you install ONE, what packages are
                    you using? Which version?

                         Also, can you please share more about the
                    libxmlrpc-c versions
                         that cause problems, and when it was fixed?

                         Carlos Martín, MSc
                         Project Engineer
                         OpenNebula - Flexible Enterprise Cloud Made
                    www.OpenNebula.org <http://www.OpenNebula.org>
                    <http://www.OpenNebula.org> |
                    <mailto:cmar...@opennebula.org>> |
                         @OpenNebula <http://twitter.com/opennebula>

                         On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 12:53 PM, Esteban Freire
                         <esfre...@cesga.es <mailto:esfre...@cesga.es>
                    <mailto:esfre...@cesga.es>>> wrote:


                             We are having an issue with oneacct
                    command when we try to
                             get the accounting for a group, for example:

                             [oneadmin@cloud ~]$ oneacct -g ops
                             HTTP-Error: 500 Internal Server Error

                             [oneadmin@cloud ~]$  oneacct -g
                    fedcloud.egi.eu <http://fedcloud.egi.eu>
                    fedcloud.egi.eu <http://fedcloud.egi.eu>
                             HTTP-Error: 500 Internal Server Error

                             As far as we have been told, it seems the
                    issue it is hidden
                             deep in libxmlrpc and has almost nothing
                    to do with
                             OpenNebula or its version. The problem is
                    this (briefly):

                             Once the VM history goes over approx. 40k
                    of VMs, libxmlrpc
                             will refuse to allocate enough memory for
                    some OpenNebula
                             responses to RPC commands.

                             Also, the solution proposed is to compile
                    OpenNebula against
                             a newer and patched version of libxmlrpc
                    but to be honest, I
                             would prefer avoid this solution.

                             I understand this is not an OpenNebula
                    issue but I wonder if
                             as OpenNebula developers you have seen
                    this issue before and
                             it there is any other better solution.
                    Also, if some other
                             site has experiment this issue, I would
                    like to know which
                             was the solution applied.

                             Any help is welcome on this since we need
                    to solve this issue
                             asap :)

                             Thanks in advance,

                             --  ++-------------------------++
                             Esteban Freire García
                             Centro de supercomputación de Galicia
                             Avda. de Vigo s/n. Campus Vida
                             15705 - Santiago de Compostela. Spain
                             Tlfn.: 981 56 98 10 Extension:274
                             Fax: 981 59 46 16

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        - -- Alejandro Feijóo Fraga
        Systems Technician
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Esteban Freire García
Centro de supercomputación de Galicia
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15705 - Santiago de Compostela. Spain
Tlfn.: 981 56 98 10 Extension:274
Fax: 981 59 46 16

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