
Benson Margulies wrote:

> Adding plugins to the core is not so much a matter of 'strategy'.
> The nar plugin is a non-trivial amount of code. So, for it to come to
> Apache, it would have to pass IP clearance. That means understanding
> the provenance of all of the code and that the people contributing it
> have sufficient rights to grant a license to the ASF.
> That having been said, the existing Maven community is rather thinly
> spread across the many org.apache.maven.plugins. Adding another big,
> complex, plugin should, at least, lead to a pause for reflection.
> Nonetheless, If the authors are interested in contributing it, please
> join the dev list and start a discussion.

another option is mojo.codehaus.org, especially since the devs discuss about 
moving the SCM for individual plugins to git.

- Jörg

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