On 11-1-2012 0:03, Emmanuel Lecharny wrote:
On 1/10/12 9:31 PM, Mike van Goor wrote:
Hi list,

Trying to figure something out here and I know it's my first post so
please bare with me.

Excuse me if my question sounds noobish, but I have been unable to
find anything relating to my question, so here goes.

I am currently writing a program that spontaniously creates multiple
sockets for outgoing as well as incoming connections. In the
implementation for NioProcessor I see the option to set a specific
ioProcessor. I would like my program to just use 1 ioProcessor at all
Why would you do that ?

In this scenario do I have to create my own ioProcessor and feed that
to the creation of a NioSocket or does mina do this for me?
You can specify the number of IoProcessor to use, and set it to 1 if
needed. But again, why would you do that ?

Hi Emmanuel,

Firstly thanks for responding.
I am looking for a way to only use 1 selector in my setup.
The reason is that I would like as less threads as possible.

If there is a better way to achieve this then I am all ears.

Kind regards,

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