2009/12/27 James Knott <james.kn...@rogers.com>

> M Henri Day wrote:
>> I hope and trust that many OOo users will find this article (
>> http://preview.tinyurl.com/yzx8ok3 ) relevant and of interest....
>> Henri
> That's old news and simply more of the same old, same old.  More recently,
> they've been trying to move that OOXML "standard" closer to what's in MS
> Office.  This topic, along with others, has been covered thoroughly on
> Groklaw.

Sorry, James ; I did suggest that «many OOo users» - not «all OOo users» -
would find the article relevant and of interest. As far as I know, Microsoft
continues to use these tactics ; if you have other information, I certainly
be interested to hear it !...


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