On 12/27/2009 1:15 PM, Lars Nooden wrote:
> John Meyer wrote:
>> While I would say that using a shorturl on an e-mail site is a bit 
>> apropos, I would disagree with the short-urls automatically equal 
>> spam.
> Close enough for government work.  The Groklaw article is good and very
> relevant to OOo use.  Linking to it via a scam site may have not been a
> demonstration of the best judgment or intentions.

You, good sir, are being completely absurd.

>> They have their time and place, notably in portable communications.
> T-bird, Apline and Opera all have no problem with URLs.  Try it one of
> them on Fedora or Ubuntu.

Not everyone uses them for whatever reason. I don't use URL shortners in
mailing lists just because I don't care if the end user doesn't use a
decent MUA.

That doesn't mean I'm going to lambast them and cook them on a spit.
Kind prodding toward something more accepted is less likely to result in
people being driven away.

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