On Tuesday, September 26, 2006 4:45 PM [GMT+1=CET], Thomas w. Cranston <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:


> Hi I got an ezmlm warning also.
> Whats up w/this?
> Perhaps someone on this list is spamming us, or someone on the same
> server is spamming the list. Anyone else getting spam from the list.
> I have blocked some addresses because I got spam from them, and if
> some 
> members originate from those servers their messages will bounce.
> part of the ezmlm message:
> abc.def.efg.xyz failed after I sent the message.
> Remote host said: 552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage
> allocation 
> This is really funny, as I would have to get way more messages than I
> ever get for me to exceed my storage allocation.

I got this from Mathias Bauer in the openoffice.org users' mail forum:

==== begin quote ===
No it's no spam. The ezmlm program is the one that delivers the mails
from the list to your mail account. Obviously some mails couldn't be
delivered (provider problems, inbox full etc.) and ezmlm collects these
events and notifies you from time to time that you missed some mails so
that you can look them up in the archive.

Best regards,
=== end quote ===

Harold Fuchs
London, England

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