On Apr 1, 2008, at 3:00 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:
I have never been fond of AWL because the information it relies upon,
the mail headers, is very easy to forge.  It depends too much upon

Yes, but they have to know who to forge. Anyway, I'm not debating its merits. It works very, very well in our experience. Except for this one situation.

What I am pointing out is that AWL should not be used for mail from
self to self, because this is an easy forgery.

It is all very easy to forge.  But self to self is very easy for the
recipient to spot as a forgery.  (Unless they have a short memory and
are very gullible. :-)

Not guillable, but don't want to get an obvious spam in my mailbox. SA knew it was spammy, but the AWL discounted the score.

I disagree with the premise that it is hard to forge mail from someone
you correspond with frequently.  It is equally easy to forge.

Easy to forge, but who to forge? Hard for a spammer to know who I correspond with frequently. Myself is the only one a spammer could guess.

Again, not debating its merits just the implementation.
Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source and other randomness

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