On May 29, 2008, at 4:18 AM, Jonas Eckerman wrote:
Please do remember that I am in no way trying to stop or hinder you in implementing your fix. The fact that I have other suggestions does not mean that I'm opposing you.

Of course.  This is normal discussion.

A lot of work to hack around a simple problem. The AWL works just fine for mail from "my users" to other "my users". In fact, it works exceedingly well for that. What value is there in separating them?

It would create a difference (a regards the AWL) between self->self addressed mail sent from authenticated/local users ans similar mail from other systems.

I understand the concept, I don't see the value.

And considering that SpamAssassin doesn't (in many configurations) even know what recipient address a message has, it might actually be easier than having the AWL ignore mail from self->self.

It has to, for the AWL to work.

As long as the MSA adds authentication info in it's received header, this could be fetched from "X-Spam-Relays-Trusted" pseudo header. The changes to do this would not be more difficult or invlolved than the changes necessary to exempt self->self mail from the AWL AFAICS.

Easy or not, I don't see the value just yet.

Also, while the adressee of a mail is often available with PerMsgStatus all_to_addrs, this function is not very reliable. It actually extracts a whole bunch of addresses that might be the recipient from the mail header. There is no guarantee that any of the returned addresses really are the recipient of the mail.

So, to implement exemption of self->self-mail you first have to implement a way for SpamAssassin to know what the recipient address is in order to know if a mail is self->self-addressed.

The AWL wouldn't work if it didn't know the recipient. Since this is something it stores in the AWL database we know that the recipient information is there.

I want the AWL to apply to mail that is addressed from self->self.

Since the AWL also takes the IP address into account and since all mail from authenticated/local users here comes from to the software calling SpamAssassin, I do not have your problem here and would not benefit from your fix.

While most mail addressed self->self that comes from external systems is spam, every now and then ham addressed from self->self do come in from idiotic systems and sometimes from users who for some reason is not using our servers when sending mail.

The AWL as it is now does distinguish between "good" and "bad" mail that are or pretends to be from our users, and I see no reason to remove possible benefits of that distinction for mail that happens to be addressed to the same user as it's addressed from.

You've presented good logic for acceping mail from self to self. But you haven't explained by using the AWL for mail from self to self is better than not having it.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source and other randomness

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