HARBOR: http://coolharbor.100free.com/index.htm
Now Tomcat is also a cool pojo application server

Chuck... check me here ;)
I started wondering why I have never wanted to do this.
ie never wanted to deploy a web-app to a /Demo/WebAppName/ context and I realized its because I use the MVC model.

So what I would do is rename the WebApp to Demo... and just change the Servlet Mapping to


Same URL results....

Becaue my JSP's are always called from a servlet... that works.

With static JSP pages... if one moved them to a folder /WebAppName

Is it not the same thing?... in other words all these deployment tricks can be thrown away... we back to a normal webapp.

In either case I think if the contexts have been hard coded, nothing will work, but if not, maybe its the same thing with no pain ;)

If we see it like this  /Demo/WebAppName/
We wanna play with contexts
But if we see it like this
We wanna play with mapping and folders?

Maybe its just meant to be done another way... thats what I'm getting at.

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