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espinchi wrote:
> That's cool, but a little overkill for some use cases.

Like what? Just because a tool can do way more than you need it to do
doesn't mean it's less useful for the task at hand.

> For instance, in a portlet-based portal application, you might have
> individual portlets registered to the patterns
> "/PortletInvoker/MyPortletName". We need the portal to access them, but a
> user shouldn't be able to access a portlet directly from a URL like
> "http://myserver/PortletInvoker/MyPortletName";, so I'd like to serve a 404
> before that portlet (ie, the servlet that manages it) is hit.
> Is there any simple solutions to this problem in Tomcat?

The "simpler" solution is to write your own Filter (or Valve, I suppose,
if you want to lock yourself into using Tomcat) that replicates the
capability you're looking for.

I suppose if your portlet uses FORWARD or INCLUDE to gather this
information rather than a loopback request, you can even write a filter
that simply unconditionally returns 404 and map it only to the "REQUEST"
type of dispatcher.

- -chris
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