--- Lex Eisenhardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why is this important? Mudarra's remark would be by
> far the earliest
> reference to a guitar in re-entrant tuning. Bermudo
> discusses the high
> strings that accompany the usual (?) low ones.
> Mudarra would be the first to
> do the opposite.

placing its intended meaning aside for the moment,
what's the earliest documented use of the word
"bordon?" where did it come from - which language? 
not speaking spanish, i have to ask if "cuerda con
octava" or something similar - like "strings that
accompany the usual (?) low ones" quoted above - was
ever mentioned prior to the use of the word "bordon?" 

couldn't find anything in my latin dictionary to link
it to border in the sense of limit but if "border" is
implied i imagine it means adjacent or adjoin.

- bill

"and thus i made...a small vihuela from the shell of a creepy crawly..." - Don 
Gonzalo de Guerrero (1512), "Historias de la Conquista del Mayab" by Fra Joseph 
of San Buenaventura.  go to:  http://www.charango.cl/paginas/quieninvento.htm

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