A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
It took me quite some time to get around to finding out how to use the quickfix window. I would venture that a beginning user can blissfully ignore it and concentrate on the basic ":help <keyword>" command, the normal-mode yank, put and delete command, and on switching between Normal, Insert and maybe Replace modes. Then Visual. Then 'wildmode', 'wildmenu' and filename / helptag completion.

I'll describe the scenario that prompted all this once more.
A friend got a job working on virtual memory in the Linux kernel.
Trust me, anyone coding in a kernel understands the concepts of
entering text and using cut/paste.

I was enthusiastically telling him to learn Vim so he could easily do
clever stuff. But I was stymied by the amount of work I would have
to do in preparing my suggestions, and what he would have to do
to actually implement them.

I am not proposing anything like "Easy Vim". I'm talking about
working with buffers with 'hidden' on, using quickfix with grep,
using cscope, and a couple of other things.


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