Marcus Aurelius wrote:
--- "A.J.Mechelynck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:
This approach has already been attempted, not just once as Bram said, but at least twice (evim and mswin.vim), and the results are far from convincing: "easy" vim is actually harder to use, and mswin.vim makes some useful Vim features inacessible, and for others, forces constant reminders everywhere in

the help and in support mailing lists: "If you use Ctrl-V to paste, use
Ctrl-Q instead whenever the help says to use Ctrl-V".

"Cream for Vim" may be a third attempt but I'm not sure, I haven't looked
into it.

I think i must defend mswin.vim here (and ":behave mswin") ;-)
Some shortcuts are really invaluable:
Ctrl+S (save, compare to :w; i use Ctrl+S a lot!), Ctrl+Tab (next window,
compare to Ctrl+W, W), Ctrl+Z (undo... i'm so used to Ctrl+Z...),
Others, such as Ctrl+A (select all) and Ctrl+V (paste) do conflict with other
commands, but compare them to ggVG and "+p

Sometimes i miss Ctrl+Backspace (for delete word backward) and Ctrl+Delete
(delete word forward).

My main gripe about Vim commands is that gj and gk are almost unusable without
a bunch of mappings, and formatting a paragraph takes 4 keys (gwip - i hav
mapped it to F12). Well, if you format the paragraph you don't need gj and gk,
but you get the idea... ;-)

I do like Vim commands, but the commands Ctrl+{A,Z,X,C,V,Y,Tab} are so widely
available that i'm used to use them in Vim too.


- I use Ctrl-A (increment number) a lot. i_CTRL-A (repeat insert) I don't but it exists. For Select all I do use ggVG (or GVgg or VG if I'm at top or Vgg if I'm at bottom) which isn't hard to remember because I also use gg V and G a lot separately.
- CTRL-S apparently isn't mapped in Vim. For "save" I've mapped F3 as follows:

        :map <F3> :wa|wv<CR>
        :imap <F3> <C-O>:wa|wv<CR>

In other programs I don't use Ctrl-S but File => Save using the mouse. I don't use that much though, because I use Vim exclusively for all editing tasks. - CTRL-Z (both Normal and Insert) is suspend, I use :sus . For undo I use u which is even easier than Ctrl-Z (u-for-undo, and no modifier key). - I use Ctrl-X (decrement number) a lot; i_CTRL-X starts Insert completion of various kinds, including i_CTRL-X_CTRL-O (omnicompletion) which I'm still learning to use; but it's useful enough that I've set up syntax completion using the distributed autoload/syntaxcomplete.vim and a custom script (copied from ":help ft-syntax-omni") in .vim/after/plugin/. - Ctrl-C is Stop; I don't know where is Ctrl-Break. i_CTRL-C is leave Insert mode, I use Esc. For copy-to-clipboard I use "+y and :y + -- see below. (For "copy all to clipboard" I use :%y + which is one command, rather than Ctrl-A Ctrl-C which is two commands.) In Dos/Windows, Ctrl-C existed as "stop" in Dos long before Windows invented to use it for Copy -- and I'm an old Dos hand, so Ctrl-C = stop is no less familiar to me than Ctrl-C = copy. - Ctrl-V is start Block visual; i_CTRL-V is Literalize; I use them both. Having to mention Ctrl-Q on the list because I don't know whether the other guy is or isn't using mswin.vim is a hassle; and if I don't, there are too many newbies who don't realize that the "true" Vim function of Ctrl-V is hidden from them. I do use "+p "+P and ":put +", and I've also mapped F4 to :$put + to paste linewise at end-of-file. I also use "+y and :y + as well as "+d and :d + but when pasting within Vim I don't use the clipboard at all: I use the unnamed register instead, or named registers for repeated pastes. - Ctrl-Y is Scroll, i_CTRL-Y is Insert character above cursor. I don't use them much but they're there. For redo I use Ctrl-R which isn't harder to type than Ctrl-Y -- and easier to remember since "R" is the first letter of "Redo". - I'm not sure what Ctrl-Tab means in "native Vim", if anything, but I can't use that keychord because my kde window manager preempts it ("select virtual desktop") and it never gets to Vim. Anyway, to move to next window I know about Ctrl-W w. I even use that so much that I've mapped F11 to ^Ww (next or nth window) and Shift-F11 to ^WW (previous or nth window). - Ctrl-BS and Ctrl-Del I didn't know about; in Vim, Ctrl-BS is mentioned in the help; it extends a Visual area to the left margin; Ctrl-Del is, according to the help, "cut Visual area"; on my Linux system it does cut but not to clipboard. You can remap them to anything if you like. To delete words, I use diw (delete inner word) and daw (delete a word) which are both useful and intuitive.

I have files where I intentionally have long lines and I use gj and gk (so much that I've remapped them to <Up> and <Down>). I don't see why you gripe about "a bunch" of mappings: the mappings I need, or want, are in my vimrc or in some other script, and they are part of "my" Vim settings -- they don't count as "a bunch", since I don't have to do them over every time Vim starts.

Summary: I still think that mswin.vim is a PITA and that whoever needs quick mappings for some of its functions can define them. Of course it's just my opinion. Anyone still wants to use mswin.vim, go ahead; but I for one wouldn't mourn it if it were to disappear. IMHO its rightful place might be at vim-online but it isn't in $VIMRUNTIME with every distribution.

About the ":behave" statement, I use the following which are neither ":behave mswin" nor ":behave xterm" but somewhere between them:

        :set selectmode=mouse,key selection=inclusive
        :set mousemodel=popup keymodel=startsel

Best regards,

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