Marcus Aurelius wrote:
If the user wants to edit long lines, (s)he cannot write a quick mapping
on-the-fly, because he needs something like this:

map <buffer> <silent> <up> gk
imap <buffer> <silent> <up> <C-o>gk
map <buffer> <silent> <down> gj
imap <buffer> <silent> <down> <C-o>gj
map <buffer> <silent> <home> g<home>
imap <buffer> <silent> <home> <C-o>g<home>
map <buffer> <silent> <end> g<end>
imap <buffer> <silent> <end> <C-o>g<end>

***May i suggest a new command (or a standard plugin that is easy to find) that
would do all of the above in one easy step?***

Optionally, the user could want this too:

setlocal linebreak
setlocal nolist " Necessary for linebreak
setlocal display+=lastline

I'm not sure if it's OK or if it's going too far :-)
The following (among others) are set once and for all in my vimrc:

set nojoinspaces
set selection=inclusive keymodel=startsel
set mousemodel=popup selectmode=mouse,key
set laststatus=2
set display=lastline
set list listchars=tab:\|_,eol:ΒΆ
silent! set listchars+=nbsp:~
" Up, Down      move up/down by "screen lines"
" j k           (default) move down/up by "file lines"
map     <Down>  gj
imap    <Down>  <C-O>gj
map     <Up>    gk
imap    <Up>    <C-O>gk

No problem for me, and no need to change them from file to file.

Best regards,

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