Am Mittwoch 16 Mai 2007 schrieb John Beckett:

> Thinking about how a wiki works shows that keeping tip numbers
> is doomed. First, there is no auto-increment id, and as you
> point out, there is no reasonable way to automate fixes.

But do we need an id? - each tip will have a page name which will be unique.

Personally - when I see such question - I begin to think that the Vim Wiki 
will die soon - again!

"Content first" is makes Wikis successfull. The "Vim Wiki" project is talking 
to much about ID numbers, templates, organization etc. pp. without producing 
any content.

"Ada Programming" has not have become "Book of the Month", "Features Book" and 
is generally quoted as an one of the best Wikibooks around (Even from those 
who don't program in Ada) because we discussed for weeks about structural 

In fact: Almost nothing was discussed longer then 3 days and if there was no 
*stiff* opposition then one of the Authors went ahead and just did it. And 
lots of stuff was never discussed: Somebody just did it and the other fell in 
line - plainly because it was a good idea.

Martin Krischik

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