Posted by Eric Muller (visiting from <a 

   Rather than just complaining (as I've noted, justifiably) about its
   rhetoric, [1]Timothy Burke is thinking carefully about the substantive
   point of the [2]historians' letter to the media about Michelle
   Malkin's "In Defense of Internment."
   He attributes Malkin's success in drawing uncritical attention from
   the major media to two things: (a) her saying something contrarian
   about a matter of current interest, and (b) her being mediagenic.
   He then says this:
     Taking all this into account, the Historians' Committee for
     Fairness still has a valid fundamental point. How do you decide
     what's worth covering and not covering? Because not everything that
     is contrarian and potentially mediagenic gets the coverage--the
     coverage without, for the most part, attention to the dissenting
     views of others--that Malkin has. To put it bluntly, why does
     Michelle Malkin get on television and David Irving, the infamous
     Holocaust revisionist, not get on television? Irving's argument
     that the Nazis did not actually set out to exterminate the Jews is
     factually detailed and it's certainly contrarian, and he's actually
     somewhat creepily mediagenic.
     . . .
     The Historians' Committee for Fairness may have gone about their
     task the wrong way, but they're entitled to an answer to this
     question from the media that have given Malkin a hearing. What
     makes her work worthy of coverage when work of equivalent
     shoddiness and offensiveness is regarded as absolutely off-limits?

   Timothy Burke's point about David Irving and Holocaust revisionism
   deserves a moment's reflection. Let's consider a hypothetical. Suppose
   an author were to publish a book revisiting the pogroms across Germany
   in November of 1938 that we know as "[3]Kristallnacht." Suppose that
   author's thesis went something like this: "Yes, German and Austrian
   Jews certainly and regrettably suffered in the attacks of November 9
   and 10, 1938, and in the incarceration of some 26,000 in concentration
   camps for a period of many weeks that followed. We have seen, time and
   again, the images of the broken storefront windows and the burning
   synagogues that the Jewish grievance community and politically correct
   academics want us to see. We have been led to believe that this was an
   unprovoked outburst of baseless hatred on the part of the German
   people. But what Jews and academics do not tell you, and do not want
   you to know, is that the so-called Kristallnacht had a real cause: A
   Jew did, in fact, murder the German official Ernst vom Rath in Paris
   on November 7, 1938, at the German Embassy, and documents from the
   time show that Josef Goebbels knew this and saw the murder as proof of
   a larger Jewish threat to the Reich."
   This, in the context of the Holocaust, is the precise analogue of
   Malkin's thesis about the Japanese American internment. Please note
   that I'm not suggesting that Malkin herself believes or has ever said
   any such thing about Kristallnacht specifically, or the Holocaust
   generally. I am sure she does not. believe such a thing. I am also not
   comparing Kristallnacht to the eviction of Japanese Americans. I am
   instead making a point about the nature--the architecture, if you
   will--of her argument. It is this: you have been led to believe that
   what seems to be a groundless, racist government action lacked any
   foundation and can therefore be explained only as an expression of
   hatred, but that is not so; in fact, there was a real threat to the
   government that supplied a foundation for what they did.
   So, to return to Timothy Burke's observation: suppose that a
   mediagenic author were to publish such a work. Would MSNBC, CNBC, Fox,
   C-SPAN, HBO, and countless radio programs present that work at all? If
   they did so, would they present it uncritically, and without rebuttal?
   Of course they wouldn't. And so the question is: why the difference?
   A couple of possible answers suggest themselves to me, and neither is
   very attractive.
   One is that it's easier for us to recognize malevolence in others'
   ancestors (the Nazis) than in our own. Thus, what seems incontestably
   unjustifiable in the history of others remains debatable in our own.
   The other is that Holocaust survivors and their children and
   grandchildren (full disclosure: I am one), and the Jewish community
   more generally, would not countenance an unrebutted presentation of
   such a work in the major media, whereas the Japanese American
   community is to some extent still (as it was 60 years ago) a safe
   target for such an assault.
   In the end, [4]Timothy Burke is right:

     "If the people who make decisions about programming and content at
     the talk shows want to tell me and other historians that they
     wouldn't put Irving on the air because what he says in his work is
     factually specious and untrue (which it is), then they're telling
     me that they make these decisions based either on their own
     personal and professional assessments of the factual truthfulness
     of works of non-fiction, or they make these decisions based on
     consultation with experts about what is reasonable, plausible,
     debatably true work and what is poor, scurrilous, offensive lies.
     If this is true, the question becomes potent: why is Michelle
     Malkin on the air now? Because if talk show producers consult
     experts on internment, they'd certainly find that almost everyone
     thinks Malkin's work is shoddy and inaccurate, quite aside from its
     ethical character. If talk show hosts read and assess work
     independently to decide whether it is worth covering, then I'm
     hard-pressed to understand why they think Malkin's is legitimate.
     And if they just put people on the air because they're mediagenic
     and interestingly contrarian, I again ask: why not Holocaust
     revisionists? What sets the boundaries of the fringes, and doesn't
     the expert assessment of intellectuals and scholars matter in that



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