Posted by Todd Zywicki:

   The first mention of legislative history that O'Connor points to is a
   floor statement by Rep. Lea of California. O'Connor writes, "Although
   neither the House of Representatives nor the state ratifying
   conventions deliberated long on the powers conferred on the States by
   § 2, but see 76 Cong.Rec. 2776 (1933) (statement of Rep. Lea of Cal.
   that the section was "the extreme of State rights" because it
   obligated the Federal Government to assist the enforcement of state
   laws "however unwise or improvident")." Note a few things about Rep.
   Lea's statement. It is part of the Congressional Record of January 28,
   1933. If the statement in question was actually uttered on the floor
   of the House, it was done so not during the general debate over the
   21st Amendment (which occurred primarily during February of that year)
   but rather is inserted into the middle of the debates over the
   "Departments of State, Justice, Commerce, and Labor Appropriate Bill,
   Fiscal Year 1934" in a Section of the Congressional Record entitled
   "Extension of Remarks" (which may suggest that either the words were
   neither spoken nor heard by anyone but merely inserted into the
   record, although it is not clear).
   Rep. Lea's statement thus occurs immediately after Congressman Kerr
   gave remarks on the funding request of the Department of Commerce as
   it concerned the commodity division of the Department, praising the
   commodity division for its efforts in promoting peanut and tobacco
   growers. The final sentence before Congressman Lea's remarks by
   Congressman Kerr were, "To destroy the tobacco industry or even
   neglect it would imperial the greatest tax-producing commodity of this
   nation." Then, with no warning or context, Lea takes the floor and
   utters the remarks in question (to which we will return in a moment).
   Immediately following Lea's remarks, Mr. Gibson took to the floor to
   address the question of the funding request of the Labor Department
   covering the Bureau of Immigration and the financial difficulties of
   the Immigration Bureau caused by an unusually large number of alien
   deportations during the prior year.
   I go into this discussion of context in order to demonstrate an
   obvious point--Lea's comments, if uttered at all, were done at a
   completely incongruous time, when Congress was not even specifically
   debating the 21st Amendment. They are quite obviously one man's view,
   uttered at a time when no one was paying attention, and given that the
   21st Amendment wasn't even under discussion at the time, there is no
   indication that anyone heard or considered Lea's comments as shedding
   any light on the 21st Amendment at all. Um, I mean, no one except
   Justice O'Connor.
   Ok, so let's look at the substance of the remark. Justice O'Connor
   says it evidences that section 2 of the 21st Amendment was, "'the
   extreme of State rights' because it obligated the Federal Government
   to assist the enforcement of state laws `however unwise or
   improvident.'" But is that what Lea really meant?
   Lea--like all the others discussed in earlier posts--believed that the
   actual purpose of the 21st Amendment was to restore the pre-21st
   Amendment constitutional balance. It is true that he thought that §2
   would force the federal government to help enforce state laws, no
   matter how "unwise or improvident." But as noted in earlier posts, the
   purpose of all preceding legislation was to help the states to enforce
   their laws against interstate alcohol, which is clearly different from
   enabling states to flaunt the nondiscrimination principle of the
   dormant commerce clause. There is no indication that Lea thought that
   the 21st Amendment would make valid state laws that were otherwise
   constitutionally invalid.
   He then states: "No one could anticipate the many varied, and perhaps
   unwise, provisions that might be written by the various States of the
   country. In this way their mere legislative action would compel this
   action of the Federal Government without the approval and even against
   the will of Congress. That proposal, on principle, is the extreme of
   State rights." Note, however, that is saying the final phrase that
   O'Connor quotes, he is not endorsing the 21st Amendment on this
   ground--he is criticizing it! The problem with §2 is that it might be
   read to embody the "extreme of State rights" which is why he is
   opposed to it. Justice O'Connor, of course, reads out the context that
   Lea is criticizing §2 on this ground, suggesting that he was endorsing
   this reading. He notes, however, that this provision although
   illogical, is "unimportant in its practical effects." Why? Because
   even with §2, Congress retained its power over interstate Commerce in
   Lea then goes on to add his criticisms of proposed §3 (discussed in
   earlier posts). He states, "The proposal that Congress shall have
   concurrent power with the States to regulate and prohibit the sale of
   intoxicating liquors to be drunk on the premises where sold, is the
   extreme of centralized power or Federal interference in State affairs.
   This provision would give the Congress power to enforce prohibition on
   a State against its will and also to provide regulatory provisions in
   favor of the liquor traffic in opposition to the laws of dry or
   semidry States." He then adds the criticism I rehearsed earlier, "If
   there is anything to be learned from our experiences with Federal
   prohibition, it is the unwisdom o the Federal Government interfering
   in State affairs and forcing on unwilling States obnoxious sumptuary
   legislation. The Senate amendment in effect proposes to continue
   Federal interference with State affairs, injects new questions of
   Federal regulation, and retains he liquor problem in national politics
   for a generation to come."
   Overall, then, Lea's comments make no mention of granting the states
   any new substantive constitutional powers to erect protectionist
   barriers against interstate commerce, but rather criticize §2 for
   giving federal power to enforce otherwise valid state laws. And like
   others, he criticizes §3 for retaining the real problem with
   Prohibition--the federal intervention in local affairs. Section 3, he
   observes, would essentially give the federal government a de facto
   police power to regulate all aspects of liquor sales. Under proposed
   §3, "This provision would give the Congress power to enforce
   prohibition on a State against its will and also to provide regulatory
   provisions in favor of the liquor traffic in opposition to the laws of
   dry or semidry States. The wildest friend of centralized government
   could scarcely approve of Congress enforcing the sale of liquors on
   dry States over the opposition of their laws and perhaps of their
   Constitution. I do not anticipate that this provision, if enacted,
   would in practice be so applied. The fact that such a power is
   seriously proposed to be placed in the Constitution should excite the
   opposition of all." He adds, "It seems especially designed to preserve
   the obnoxious and unworkable features of Federal prohibition."

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