Folks, it is true that Bob G might have overhyped this, but you have to realize 
the number of years he has devoted to this and the 
knowledge he has acquired over those years.  I do not blame him for doing it.

Yes, the Spectrum Result has to be verified/replicated.  We (Team MFMP) did not 
see much heat (if/any) above the noise level of this 
crude calorimeter, but what we may have seen is an indication of how the 
process gets started.  It is now up to the Open Science 
Community to build upon this result (MFMP included) and verify/replicate, and 
ultimately obtain large amounts of excess heat.

This could be just some mistake.  As an experimenter, that’s what you 
understand.  And you try to prove it wrong.  Tirelessly.

Right now, we are working on beefing up the Geiger Counting Sensitivity, 
Coincidence Detection and obtaining another detector to 
confirm.  It’s only one instrument, we need another to confirm.  Temporary High 
Voltage Short??? ... Radon Gas Burst??? ... Cosmic 
Ray Anomaly??? ... ???

Is it something to get excited about? ... Sure ... Will we be hugely 
disappointed if it doesn’t pan out?  Not really.  Disappointed, 

We must get the word out and see who can reproduce it in short order (with any 
help they need)...

... Open Science is an Open Book.  We are just beginning to turn the pages.

- Mark Jurich 

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