But there is a contradiction here since IH accepted that the Rossi reactor
does produce gainful heat to the tune of $11,500,000.

This payment was made on response to the demonstration of a COP 6 or above
for a 24 hour period as defined in the license agreement.

You must be in error in your understanding as to the position that IH will
take during the trial.

Both Rossi and IH had representatives present during the successful 24 hour
test so the actions of the ERV were monitored and validated.

This situation that you portray presents an affront to the logical mind.

On Sat, May 14, 2016 at 11:35 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>

> Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Jed or another could negotiate the COP down but by how much is the
>> question. 50 is really high to come down from.
> I cannot negotiate anything. I have no standing in this and no role. I am
> not a professional HVAC engineer licensed in Florida, so no lawyer and no
> court would ask my opinion. If anyone did, that is all I would say: "I am
> not a professional HVAC engineer licensed in Florida."
> Putting aside all of that, the COP is less than 1. The machine produces no
> excess heat. That is what I.H. experts concluded. The COP is not 50, not 6,
> not 4, not 1.1. It is less than 1. There is no heat. That is why I.H. said
> it was not "substantiated." That's all there is to it.
> If the court accepts the judgment of professional experts who say there is
> no excess heat, then the case will be thrown out of court. End of story.
> That is what lawyers have told me. Mr. Pretend Lawyer Axil disagrees, but
> that is what actual lawyers say.
> - Jed

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