That’s a cool concept


From: Bob Higgins [] 
Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2016 7:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:EM Drive powered by entangled photons


I previously observed the coincidental similarity between the difference in 
photonic thrust and Shawyer thrust and the Q of the cavity - let me propose how 
a connection might exist.

According to Don Hotson (deceased), the ether is composed of epos (shrunken, 
neutral, electron-positron orbital pairs) that can be polarized.  This provides 
the displace-able element needed in Maxwell's equations (without something to 
displace, Maxwell's assumptions fail).  They also resolve the wave particle 
duality that stimulated all of the wasted formulation in quantum mechanics (I 
say wasted because, while it works, it is an unnecessarily painful formulation 
of the problem).  So, if the vacuum is not empty, then there is something there 
that may be affected by the field enhanced by the Q of the resonator.  Epos are 
tiny and neutral, but polarizable.  They would pass easily through the metal 
resonator.  Could there be some acceleration of epos caused by the device?  If 
that were possible, then it could provide an effect proportional to the field 
and hence Q-proportional due to the field enhancement by Q.



On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 9:26 AM, Jones Beene < 
<> > wrote:

From: Eric Walker 

Bob Higgins wrote:

But, photonic leakage still doesn't explain the measured Shawyer EM drive 

If this is true, then I like the anisotropic neutrino explanation that has been 
floated here sometime back.  Presumably the neutrinos would come from electron 
capture (or possibly beta decay).


A simpler explanation could be this: entangled photons couple better (to the 
vacuum) than does the same flux of un-entangled photons.

The analogy would be this: ice-treads couple better to ice than ice-skates. The 
ratio probably exceeds the 100,000:1 shortfall of the Shawyer.


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