From: Bob Higgins 

As I mentioned in my previous post, if you want to see how the photons can leak 
out, just have a look at the Fabry-Perot etalon.  At resonance it is a high Q 
filter, even though the boundaries are highly reflecting…. But, photonic 
leakage still doesn't explain the measured Shawyer EM drive thrust….
Good observation, Bob - and it has a familiar ring to it. 
There is a small effect, which the inventor wants to promote as a large effect. 
That is the best description of what Rossi-gate is all about….
In the case of the EM drive, the one detail which is missing to explain how it 
“could work” is some kind of “photon multiplication”. The Mills’ effect would 
offer an explanation for that. I have little doubt that someone has suggested 
this fringe-marriage before, but it is not worth the effort to google.

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