On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 5:25 AM, Stephen Cooke <stephen_coo...@hotmail.com>

This [using Norman Cook's theory as a guide] would be a bottom up approach
> from first principles which might the match well with one or more of the
> more usual top down theories ideas.

This sounds like a top-down approach, starting from some assumptions about
what's going on and then interpreting the data.  What I was thinking of was
a bottom-up approach, where one keeps theory out of the picture as much and
just catalogues what's been found.  Ed Storm's "Science of Low Energy
Nuclear Reaction" gives a good high-level overview, but it doesn't go into
sufficient detail.  After reading that book, it's probably good to start
looking at actual experimental papers.  There are several authors that have
repeatedly reported them over the years, including but not limited to these

   - Iwamura
   - Mizuno
   - Saavatimova
   - Karabut

Reading their papers is a good start.  Although transmutations are all over
the map, there are a handful of possible patterns that could be followed up
on more.  Here is a speculative attempt I made not at systematizing the
data but at guessing at what's going on:
http://vixra.org/pdf/1512.0278v2.pdf.  Because it was speculative, one
shouldn't draw any conclusions from it.  Also, there's a section on Rossi
that is unfortunately probably incorrect and should be ignored.

What I would have loved when I was writing that paper was a reliable
systematization of the transmutation research, which goes into great detail
on what's been reported without introducing theoretical considerations.


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